Posts Tagged ‘wildfires’

With the unrest, lack of respect for law and order and increasing intolerance of others in our country time is running out for becoming prepared. Here in Oregon towns have burnt and our large metro areas are in danger of burning. Many individuals and cities are under evacuation notice or orders. If you do not know the basics of human survival and the associated skills now I encourage you to learn.

Although it is currently extraordinary times the truth is we never know when disaster will strike. None of us are guaranteed safety at any time. It could be something as simple as sliding off a lightly traveled back road in the snow in very low temperatures. Would you have an Every Day Carry (EDC) bag or Get Home Bag (GHB) equipped with the gear and survival rations you need? If you slipped while on a hike in winter slid into the stream and became soaked would you be able to start a fire? With a wet lighter? Could you start that fire with only a knife, fire steel and some wood you found? Do you know the danger of hypothermia? These types of questions are what you need to ask yourself and you need to give yourself an honest answer. It is okay to not know how to do something. The key is recognizing that before your life depends on it and doing something about it now.

In the last 100 to 125 years the vast majority of us have lost skills and knowledge that was once so common. I am telling you now, this is the time to do something about it. If you do not have the knowledge and skills that may save your or your families live(s), seek it out and take action now. Start by watching my video on Bugout Bag Basic Information.